Educa lxp

Creating online educational experiences
customised using proprietary AI tools

Life is a continuous learningand every moment provides us with an opportunity to grow. Each one of us learns in a different way, we have our own individual circumstances and realities and individual realities, but we share a common desire: to move forward, to better ourselves, that of going further.

Nothing should stop us from developing our potential and achieving our goals. Today, more than ever we have the tools and knowledge necessary for training to reach everyone effectively. everyone in an effective way. This is the opportunity for those who do not conform, for the people and organisations who are looking for change to transform the world.

Educa LXP



We believe in education as the main transformative force in the world. And we should all have access to it.


  • Combining the group's technological approach - innovation - with the training experience developed over 20 years of developed over the 20 years of experience in the "expertise" sector, giving rise to EDUCA LXP.
  • Facilitating access to tailor-made online educational experiences through artificial intelligence solutions for the e-Learning sector. artificial intelligence solutions aimed at the e-Learning sector.
  • Engaging institutions in our mission, promoting the use of our AI tools. our AI tools.


We are a technological group that has developed its own methodology that combines the knowledge of the the R+D+i to offer specific online training solutions to students and organisations. organisations.



More from 20 years of experience in the e-learning sector

A growing sum of more than 320,000 licences

More from 1 million students from all continents have passed through our formations

More from 50 million web traffic among all our sites

Connected to more than 1,500 companies from all sectors

We have 6 global venues



We have the added knowledge of 20 years of experience in the creation of training experiences. training experiences.

Courses, experts and master's degrees spread across more than 16 training platforms, covering a large part of the a large part of the knowledge needed by today's professionals.

This knowledge, both its own and shared through strategic alliances with numerous national and international national and international international institutions, has allowed us to develop the best EdTech technology to respond to the needs of organisations and the needs of organisations and students.



Specialized institutions

Institutions in Latin America

Institutions for business

Certifying Institutions


As a technologist in the EdTech sector, we have developed our own tools and applications for to meet the requirements of knowledge transfer, both for individuals and for the public. and institutions. Each of these applications draws on the experience of the group and the know-how of more than 800 professionals and hundreds of collaborators that make up EDUCA EDTECH Group.


Our tools and applications offer a simple and accessible solution for users and y and companies looking to implement new educational features or services quickly, without having to having to technical complications or advanced configurations.

Educa Pro

Educa.Pro (B2B).
Our technological and training proposal for companies. We offer everything necessary for the organisations to create customised educational experiences for their teams.

Educa University

Educa UNIVERSITY (Universities).
The technology platform has been specially developed to provide universities and institutions with a institutions their teaching work in digital environments.


The online learning environment for EDUCA EDTECH Group students. A constantly evolving platform constantly evolving, which reaches its full potential with the inclusion of AI solutions to customise the student's customise the student's learning path.

Educa Cloud

Educa CLOUD (Library).
Our cloud repository, which allows us to keep knowledge accessible, in a cross-cutting manner, to all the brands in the group. across all the brands that make up the group.


LXP is nourished by our R&D&I projects, which combine quality learning with research, development research, experimentation experimentation and the development of proprietary AI tools, which enable unprecedented personalisation of learning unprecedented in the e-learning sector, benefiting learners through automatic content recommendation and the automatic content recommendation and the creation of personalised learning paths, thus responding to their needs immediately.

To develop this type of project, we collaborate with a number of leading institutions, such as the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) and the Research Group of the University of Granada (UGR). Granada (UGR), which allows us to count on the endorsement and backing of public entities such as the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI), which depends on the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and thus fulfil our objective of democratising access to development opportunities. development opportunities professional and personal development opportunities.

logo UGR
logo CDTI
logo CTA

In-house development of Artificial Intelligence tools

This tool helps us to identify through the actions of the students and how they they the content of the platforms, if their evolution is positive, progressive and continuous. continuous. Inactivity, abandonment of the lessons or lack of connections are some of the characteristics that nurture the Deep Learning models we train to predict whether students can, or can not may or may not not, drop out of training, in order to support them and provide them with the necessary tools. necessary tools to reduce dropout. Thanks to the teaching reinforcement, incorporation of complementary elements complementary elements related to the content studied or the area of knowledge of interest. interest interest of the students

Early detection of search trends in the EdTech and training market. This tool automates the teams' workflows, allowing us to focus resources on what we have really resources on what we have really identified as a training need for our students. students. Through Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval techniques, we optimise the analysis and optimises the analysis and management of content management processes, allowing us to make a personalised recommendation of updated content according to the needs detected. according to the needs detected.

Our Data Warehouse centralises the data from 20 years of experience and different Databases in a single space. It allows interconnection between internal databases internal databases, as well as the possibility of including connectors to any external database. external databases. By means of reliable modelling categorised in two large blocks, it allows for the assistance and support in decision making at all levels of the company. Any team with a specific need for data interpretation will have at its disposal a real, reliable and easily interpretable analysis. analysis that is real, reliable and easily interpretable according to the point in the user's lifecycle at which we find ourselves. at that point in the user's lifecycle.

Language has historically been a barrier to access to information, and in this case, to quality training. and in this case, to quality training. Thanks to the application of Natural Language Processing Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval techniques, it is now possible to bring training contents training contents to all people, through the assisted translation of these contents, using translators based on using Artificial Intelligence-based translators on the market and improving their translation by using and improving their translation through the use of glossaries and translations adapted to the domain. domain.

From the sum of knowledge and technology comes our own methodology.

Educa LXP learning experience
  • Technology
  • Research
  • IA
  • My LXP
Technical Development
Educational Development
  • Own content
  • Alliances and agreements
  • Active teaching professionals
  • Expertise +20 years
Own tools
Tutor LXP
  • Recursos audiovisuales Audiovisual resources
  • Seguimiento docente o tutorías Teaching follow-up or tutorials
  • Prácticas extracurriculares Extracurricular internships
  • Alumni Alumni
  • Actividades prácticas Practical activities (or real cases)
  • Centro de ayuda Helpdesk / Helpdesk
  • Empleabilidad Employability / career guidance
  • Podcast y webinars Podcasts and webinars
Metodología EDUCA LXP

What is the EDUCA LXP methodology?

In an ever-changing social and economic context, quality, flexible and personalised training is the main asset for keeping up to date, both personally and personally. and personalised training is the main asset for keeping up to date, both personally and professionally. professional level.

As a result of this conviction, EDUCA EDTECH Group has developed its own methodology EDUCA LXP, a learning experience that integrates Artificial Intelligence and highly personalised predictive models in e-learning highly personalised e-learning processes.

Technology and knowledge to democratise access to education.


Recomendación automática de contenido

Automatic content recommendation.

Monitorización constante de tendencias formativas

Constant monitoring of training trends for the creation of new content.

Creación de itinerarios educativos personalizados

Creation of personalised educational pathways according to the needs of the students. needs of students.

Aprendizaje flexible impulsado por IA

Flexible 100% learning through our proprietary AI-powered technology platform. AI.

Detección temprana de student drop out

Early detection of student drop out and support to the dynamisation team.

Acompañamiento especializado

Accompaniment by a specialised teaching team.

EDUCA LXP relies on self-developed AI tools.

The development of proprietary tools and applications with Artificial Intelligence integration integration allows us to obtain complete information about the entire student experience on our platforms, even before they start learning with us. platforms, even before they start learning with us, so we can create a tailor-made experience for each student. tailor-made experience for each student.

Tutor LXP
App Mobile

EDUCA LXP is based on 6 pillars


EDUCA EDTECH Group is a knowledge provider. Backed by the expertise of our educational educational institutions, students receive relevant training backed up by a seal of quality as is the EDUCA EDTECH Group.


EDUCA EDTECH Group offers realistic education adapted to the current needs of the labour market. Thanks to the experience of our educational institutions, students acquire practical skills and knowledge applicable to professional life.

Student First

Our methodology puts the student first. Our approach ensures that each educational programme is designed with the needs and goals of our students in mind. We offer personalised and flexible learning, allowing each student to progress at their own pace.

Artificial Intelligence

Personalisation in learning would not be possible without a precise combination of academic expertise academic expertise and technological research, as well as Artificial Intelligence. For AI tools developed in-house, adapted to each educational institution in the group. educational institution of the group.

Working professionals

Our team of teaching professionals, as well as being specialists in their sector, have specific training in the use of technological tools that make up the specific training in the use of technological tools that make up the EDUCA EDTECH ecosystem. EDUCA EDTECH ecosystem.

Timeless learning

Training should be a life experience, conceiving e-learning as an excellent solution to the challenges of conventional education. solution to the challenges of conventional education. We understand learning as a continuous continuous accompaniment of the student at every moment of his or her life.

Strategic Alliances

Collaboration between academic institutions has been instrumental in consolidating and refining this unique learning experience, which fuses state-of-the-art and perfecting this unique learning experience, which fuses the most advanced technology with the scientific rigour and academic excellence of various disciplines. scientific rigour and academic excellence from various disciplines.

Acknowledgements. In constant pursuit of educational excellence

EDUCA EDTECH Group has its own methodology and technology endorsed by accreditation bodies. accrediting bodies used by more than 30 Universities and by a group of experienced and recognised educational institutions around the world. educational institutions from all over the world. Together, we share the mission of democratizing the access to education and we are committed to knowledge transfer, technology development and the research.

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