Educa Cloud

The world's most complete ecosystem for creating educational content the world's most complete

an ecosystem of specialised content creation

EDUCA EDTECH Group has been at the forefront of the e-learning for more than 20 years, consolidating its position as one of the most important authority in the sector. Its focus goes beyond the technological innovationThe most important feature is the creation of state-of-the-art educational materialsThe following are the main products of the specialists.

These contents come from the publishing houses that are part of the group, giving rise to Educa Cloudthe academic hub of reference which is nourished by own content of the areas of High Education, Vocational Education, oppositions y Vocational training.

The largest hub of training content, available to third parties
In addition, Educa Cloud not only offers a extensive own cataloguebut also allows integrating third-party contenthosting and enriching their libraries in order to facilitate a personalised and advanced access. Through our artificial intelligence developmentthe group has created its own language model (LLM)which is accessible to third parties for the creation of customised training content. This LLM can process any type of content and generate adapted learning pathways at individual needs of each user.

Our solution combines a extensive catalogue of contentthe largest on the market, with advanced AI capabilities to provide highly personalised educational experiences y user-centred.

Benchmarks in e-learning content

In the marketing sector, Ieditorial's Training Modules and Certificates of Professionalism are a benchmark. In a clear commitment to innovation we achieve a unique experience for our students.

Aimed at training and learning companies, employment-oriented training organisations, social agents or company human resources, our training material is developed by professionals with extensive experience through an innovative learning platform.
Aimed at training and learning companies, employment-oriented training organisations, social agents or company human resources, our training material is developed by professionals with extensive experience through an innovative learning platform.

Euroinnova Editorial's experience in the education sector is reflected in our content to achieve a differentiating element for students. The demands of today's labour market require us to make the greatest effort to achieve a decisive training for students that is achieved in our publishing house.

Our work philosophy is based on offering the most demanded Training Modules and Certificates of Professionalism, obtaining the maximum performance from online training and achieving autonomous and significant learning for the students.

PDF syllabus Downloadable, useful and focused on the vacancy

Civil service examinations are a long-distance race and we are on the side of those who strive to achieve their goals with up-to-date and focused training.

The team of trainers who prepare the training content have a great reputation and a high level of pass rates, making our study plans the competitive advantage that makes the difference between obtaining a place or not.

Opopedia Your reward, our motivation

The widest range of educational resources designed for students who wish to advance their training and professional development in the field of VET can be found in VET Contents.

Up-to-date curricula, interactive online courses designed by experts in the field, learning materials in a variety of formats and practical guides will help students to better understand key concepts.

The high quality content of Contenidos FP is aligned with the demands of the current labour market and adapted to the specific needs of each Vocational Training programme.

In pdf format in our publishing house you will find the most up-to-date topics when preparing for competitive examinations in accordance with the particularities of each autonomous community.

Supported by an interdisciplinary group of documentalists and specific content writers, our contents are exclusively focused on access to public employment in its various fields.

Temarios en pdf is oriented to the edition and sale of digital materials for civil service examinations, on-line training for candidates and legal documentation.

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