Educational institutions
We are leaders in all sectors
All the educational entities that belong to EDUCA EDTECH Group are leaders in each of the sectors of training in which they are specialized. The various educational bodies show a true commitment to the students and offer students programs respond to the current demands of the market.
The institutions also have learning methodologies own, opt for the latest technology and invest in research to the overall progress. All the network works in favour of the development of the society, while respecting the rights of the people involved and the environment in which they operate.

Our Educational Institutions
Online educational institution recognised nationally and internationally nationally and internationally recognised as the leading Learning Hub for competent and comprehensive comprehensive training in different areas of specialisation, and aligned with the professional reality.
First university 100% online in Mexico, specialized with official qualifications accredited by the SEP and specialized in Education, Technology and Business, in addition to languages.
Training platform online that power the development of internal talent of the companies, through training plans custom, promoting opportunities growth and promotion.
Business School online specialized, with a training tailored to the students with a high level of requirement, taking into account the changes in the scope of work, dynamics of companies and the use of the new technologies.
Educational institution online specializing in training fiscal, occupational, accounting and business, through his faculty of professional and their training programs updated becomes one of the leaders of your sector.
Educational institution training online reference in the education sector, specializing in teacher training with courses baremables for oppositions and master's programmes in europe. Teacher training for teachers.
Institution of training professional online in various areas of technological avant-garde, as the Artificial Intelligence, the Science of Data, Cybersecurity, DevOps or Cloud Computing
Educational institution online specializing in the scope of the health sciences, with training programs built from new techniques, tools, and therapies the vanguard of the sector.
Institution of online training that a specialization, inspiration and passion for the sports and physical activities.
Educational institution online specializing in the preparation and qualification of teachers and professionals throughout the community educational.
Educational institution online recognized at the international level, with advanced degrees, and continuous training specializing in engineering, architecture, and industry STEM.
Educational institution online specializing in online training for postgraduate studies. Features a wide range of master's programmes professionals and college students.

Leading platform for language certification and assessment, recognised by the world's leading educational institutions in the English and French-speaking world.
The first educational institution in line group in becoming a point of encounter between Europe and Latin America, enhancing the accessibility and the competitiveness of our students.
Educational institution in line specializing in programs, professional master's, university and recognised graduate, with which to enhance the future international business professionals.
Our Educational Institutions
Educational institution online recognized in national and international territory as the marketplace, leader in training competent and integral in the various areas of specialization, and aligned with the professional reality.
Business School online specialized, with a training tailored to the students with a high level of requirement, taking into account the changes in the scope of work, dynamics of companies and the use of the new technologies.
Educational institution online specializing in training fiscal, occupational, accounting and business, through his faculty of professional and their training programs updated becomes one of the leaders of your sector.
Educational institution training online reference in the education sector, specializing in teacher training with courses baremables for oppositions and master's programmes in europe. Teacher training for teachers.
Educational institution of art offers a training leader in new technologies and artificial intelligence.
Educational institution online specializing in the scope of the health sciences, with training programs built from new techniques, tools, and therapies the vanguard of the sector.
Institution of online training that a specialization, inspiration and passion for the sports and physical activities.
Educational institution online specializing in the preparation and qualification of teachers and professionals throughout the community educational.
Educational institution online recognized at the international level, with advanced degrees, and continuous training specializing in engineering, architecture, and industry STEM.
Educational institution online specializing in online training for postgraduate studies. Features a wide range of master's programmes professionals and college students.
First university 100% online in Mexico, specialized with official qualifications accredited by the SEP and specialized in Education, Technology and Business, in addition to languages.
The first educational institution in line group in becoming a point of encounter between Europe and Latin America, enhancing the accessibility and the competitiveness of our students.
Educational institution in line specializing in programs, professional master's, university and recognised graduate, with which to enhance the future international business professionals.
Educational institution in line-of-business, linked to the business world, with a different concept; more human, more dynamic. Demystify the concept of the “business school” and tangibilizamos.
Training platform online that power the development of internal talent of the companies, through training plans custom, promoting opportunities growth and promotion.