Women in STEM: 6 interviews with industry leaders

#EllaEsSTEM: EDUCA EDTECH Group and its commitment to women's leadership in STEM

The role of the STEM women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics is key to progress and innovation in multiple sectors. At EDUCA EDTECH GroupWe are committed to training as a tool to promote female talent in these disciplines, and through our brand Structuraliaspecialising in STEM education, we have helped many professionals reach leadership positions in large companies.

On the occasion of the International Women's Daywe have launched the campaign #EllaEsSTEMThe initiative highlights the careers of women who have advanced their careers in STEM and who today hold key positions in the industry.

Structuralia-trained STEM women leading the sector

Throughout our trajectory, we have accompanied hundreds of STEM women in their training, helping them to acquire the necessary skills to develop their potential in a highly competitive market. Many of them have participated in this campaign, sharing their experience, their challenges and their vision of the future:

  • Miriam Prada - Building Engineer and Interior Designer, Director of the BIM Master in Advanced Design of Interior Architecture at Structuralia.
  • Laura Pérez Salazar - Technical Industrial Engineer, Researcher in the Next Construction area at Tecnalia Research & Innovation.
  • Isabel Sánchez - Risk Management at Volkswagen Financial Services, Lecturer and TEDx Speaker.
  • Carla Silva Otero - Architect, Consultant in urban rehabilitation at INECO, specialist in territorial project management.
  • Aida Santos Santamaría - Civil Engineer, Head of Tunnel Design at TYPSA and President of the AETOS youth group.
  • Úrsula Bobo García - Agricultural Engineer, Head of Sustainable Innovation at Acciona Infraestructuras.
  • Andrea E. Manríquez V. - Petroleum Engineer, expert in the gas and energy industry, Gas Transportation Engineer at Gas Andes.

All of them have developed their skills and knowledge in the STEM field, and their testimony demonstrates the impact of specialised training in building strong and successful careers.

Challenges and Opportunities for STEM Women

During the campaign #EllaEsSTEMWe spoke to these professionals about their experience in the sector and their vision for the future. Among the topics addressed, the following stand out:

  • The challenges they have faced in their professional development in STEM.
  • The fundamental role of education in their growth and access to opportunities.
  • The importance of role models and mentors to inspire new generations of STEM women.
  • Emerging opportunities in areas such as engineering, sustainability and technology.

EDUCA EDTECH Group's Commitment to STEM Equity

In EDUCA EDTECH GroupWe work every day to build an environment of equality and opportunity. Currently, more than 50 % of our workforce is made up of womenand the 70.83 % of our Team Leaders are femalereflecting our commitment to the development of female talent in the education and STEM sector.

Through StructuraliaWe continue to promote innovative training programmes that enable more and more people to STEM women access opportunities in strategic sectors. We believe that diversity is a driver of growth, and female talent is an essential part of the sector's future.

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