Dia Mundial del Medio Ambiente

EDUCA EDTECH Group, tangible commitment to the SDGs 

  • World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June, highlighting the need to adopt sustainable and environmentally friendly practices for our planet.   
  • EDUCA EDTECH Group has significantly improved its self-consumption and emission rates compared to the previous year. 
  • The leading online education technology group has a strategic plan 2024-2026, fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. 

At EDUCA EDTECH Group we are conscious that our planet is unique; our group is aligned with the Sustainable Development GoalsWe are promoting actions through our Foundation and are committed to a sustainable and environmentally friendly model, focusing our work on the innovative EDUCA EDTECH Building.  

Our commitment is tangible: since 2010, the EDUCA EDTECH Group has the ISO 14001 certified.  

A work that has borne fruit in 2024, providing encouraging data as:  

  • 38% average Carbon Footprint reduction compared to 2023 
  • Average increase of 30% of self-consumption at EDUCA EDTECH Group 
  • Water footprint calculation 
  • Renewable energy 100%  
  • 20% reduction in electricity consumption compared to 2023  
  • Review of ESG emissions and actions on a monthly basis. 

EDUCA EDTECH building, a commitment to green energy 100% 

From 2022, many of the group's more than 800 employees will be working in this innovative technology complex, whose architecture is based on a sustainable and environmentally friendly model.  

This initiative has helped the company to be awarded a special mention at the Sustainable Granada 2023 awards of the Diputación de Granada.  

In addition, the installation of solar panels will be extended in the near future.adding more than 100 new to the building. All with the aim of promoting self-consumption and self-efficiency.  

A figure that promises to improve the statistics for 2023, the period during which the saved approximately 31 tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere. For its part, in this 2024, it has saved (up to the month of June)) more than 24 tonnes of CO2This points to a significant improvement in the records for this year.  

This, together with the measurement of scope 3 emissions with the aim of knowing their scope every month, are some of the proposals that make our energy 100% green.  

EDUCA EDTECH Foundation, the power of education to change the world 

The social and corporate engagement part is the task of EDUCA EDTECH Foundation. With the aim of going one step further in business activity and getting involved in a fairer society, the EDUCA EDTECH Foundation was created.  

Thanks to a clearly defined strategic plan, the following have been earmarked 24,000 euros to collaborations and alliances with non-profit organisations. E, iSimilarly, up to a total of 276,000 euros to calls for grants and scholarshipsThe aim is to ensure universal and quality education.  

"We are committed to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. We have a very clear ESG strategy, aligning all our actions with the Sustainable Development Goals. We calculate our gas emissions emissions on a monthly basis, allowing us to set more realistic and effective reduction targets. Thanks to the incorporation of solar panels in our facilities we are increasing our greenhouse gas emissions. the percentage of self-consumptionAll the extra energy needed comes from suppliers with a renewable energy guarantee (GoO)," says María Maestra Gómez, ESG Compliance at EDUCA EDTECH Group. 

"We also support the local community by donating funds and volunteering. We know the importance of being a good company, and we work in an ethical and responsible way to achieve this," concludes Maria Maestra.  

A set of actions that are underpinned by the principles of inclusion, sustainability and empowermentwhich are key pillars of the foundation's mission. 

5 June, World Environment Day 

In 2023, the main theme for the World Environment Day focused on solutions to plastic pollution. In this edition, the 5 June will be held on World Environment Dayfocusing on the fight against desertification.  

At EDUCA EDTECH Group we are committed to this commemoration, the 30th anniversary, by making use of the education as the best driver of change and tool for action against land degradation due to increased drought.  

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