EDUCA EDTECH Group se incorpora a CTA

EDUCA EDTECH Group joins the CTA to innovate in new technologies applied to education.  

  • The Granada-based technology group EDUCA EDTECH Group has 20 years of experience developing customised training solutions and experiences that apply new technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and predictive models. 
  • The group has more than 800 professionals and hundreds of collaborators in four countries and its own methodology, Educa XLP, allows unprecedented personalisation in e-learning, through the automatic recommendation of content and the creation of personalised educational itineraries. 
  • CTA now has more than 180 member companies of all sectors and sizes, from startups and technology SMEs to large corporations, with innovation as a common denominator.  

The Granada-based group EDUCA EDTECH Group has become an associate member of the CTA Foundation (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) with the aim of accelerating its capacity for innovation in the field of new technologies applied to education and training, known as EdTech or educational technology. 

The CEO of EDUCA EDTECH Group, Rafael García-Parrado, explains that the company decided to join CTA.

"Because, as a technology company, we want to join all possible synergies in the field of innovation" and he pointed out that this Foundation provides "very interesting support and impetus to continue developing our R+D+i applied to online training". 

Founded in Granada 20 years ago, the EDUCA EDTECH Group is a technology group which has developed its own methodology combining teaching knowledge with R&D&I to offer specific online training solutions to students and organisations. It does so on the basis of tailor-made educational experiences by means of solutions equipped with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and predictive models. 

With this addition, CTA now has more than 180 companies members of all sectors and sizes who have in common a strong commitment to innovation.   

Commitment to R&D&I and strong internationalisation 

From Granada, EDUCA EDTECH Group has deployed a global business and also has offices in Madrid, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Mexico DF (Mexico), Miami (USA) and Bogota (Colombia), with a strong presence in Spain, Ecuador, Mexico, Netherlands and Italy. With a staff of more than 800 professionals and hundreds of collaborators, it has a specialised faculty of more than 220 teachers. 

In addition, more than one million students have passed through their formations, with more than 320,000 licences, 1,500 companies from all sectors and 50.000.000 visits of web traffic between all its sites. 

The group is composed of 16 training platforms which offer courses, experts and masters, such as Euroinnova, INESEM, INEAF, Red Educa, INESALUD, EDUSPORT, Oposiciones Docentes, Educa Open, CEUPE, Structuralia, Educa.Pro, Educa UNIVERSITY, EDUCA Business School, ESIBE and Innova School of Management. In addition, the group's brand portfolio includes the following brands UDAVINCIa renowned Mexican distance learning university.  

EDUCA EDTECH Group understands training as the acquisition of knowledge in a personalised, flexible, practical way, with the support of specialised teaching staff and in a digital environment with the latest technologies. In this way, its innovations are aimed at both teachers and students, as well as training institutions and third parties seeking to take advantage of its technological platform or its catalogue of courses and master's degrees.  

As a result of its efforts in R&D&I, has developed its own methodology, called EDUCA LXPto respond to the demands of knowledge transmission for both individuals and institutions. This proprietary methodology combines quality learning with research, experimentation and the development of cutting-edge algorithms that allow for the development of a personalisation of learning unprecedented in the e-learning sector, benefiting learners through the automatic recommendation of content and the creation of personalised learning paths.  

In the same way, the application of Artificial Intelligence It also helps to generate new content, analyse data, improve learning processes and empower teachers, who have a perfect ally in terms of, for example, early detection of drop-out cases.  

In order to develop its innovation strategy, EDUCA EDTECH Group collaborates with several leading institutions, such as the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) and research groups of the University of Granada (UGR)This allows it to count on the endorsement and backing of public entities such as the Centre for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI). 

A strategic partner for innovation 

CTA is a private foundation with more than 18 years of experience and made up of more than 180 companies of all sectors and sizes with innovation as a common denominator. CTA is dedicated to the promotion of R&D&I and technology transfer, contributes to improving the competitiveness of companies, professionals and organisations, facilitates their access to R&D&I activities and promotes technological innovation and continuous improvement processes. 

CTA is a strategic partner in innovation which has its own private incentive programme with its own funds for R&D&I business projects. In addition, it offers a wide range of innovation support services: from strategic planning to Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI)The programme also focuses on the internationalisation of R&D&I, the evaluation of technology-based business projects and support for technological entrepreneurship. 

Also, CTA has deployed an international strategy with which it has positioned itself as a reference partner in European projects, participating in more than 55 projects (financed by the Horizon Europe, Cosme, or Interreg) and in the multilateral market (financed by multilateral organisations, such as the Inter-American Development Bank or the Central American Bank for Economic Integration). 

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