Euroinnova reconocido como caso de éxito de Google Ads

Google recognises Euroinnova as a Success Story

The world's leading search engine, Google has awarded Euroinnova recognition as a success story as an example of an innovative institution, thanks to the inclusion of proprietary learning technologies in its processes.

The innovative and effective strategies The success of the project in the field of education has been decisive in achieving a recognition that is difficult to achieve and which increases the notoriety and confidence in this institution.

The technological nature of Euroinnova which uses EDUCA EDTECH Group's own artificial intelligence solutions to optimise internal processes in line with Google technologies. In this way, the solution is even more closely tailored to the user's requests at any given time.

In addition, the group is committed to early adoption of technological innovation The growth of students interested in future-oriented education and new technologies is a determining factor in increasing the growth of students interested in future-oriented education and new technologies.

What is the impact of being a Google success story for Euroinnova?

Euroinnova becomes Google's strategic partneraligning the brand's internal processes with the needs and tools of the leading Internet technology giant.

Euroinnova's reputation and trustworthiness have been reinforced by the recognition of Google's success storyThis has an impact on improving their competitive capacity. A seal of quality which raises the value of Euroinnova as a brand.

The reasons that have led Euroinnova to be considered as one of the most important unique and cutting-edge educational technology has been the firm commitment to innovative methodologies that combine teaching and learning. R&D&Ias well as the development of customised educational experiences through Artificial Intelligence solutions and proprietary predictive models.

How has Euroinnova become a success story?

Adopting strategies to Smart BiddingThis will increase visibility, expand to new markets, improve the user experience and optimise profitability. For this reason, Euroinnova implements Google Ads strategies, taking advantage of the technology to optimise your advertising campaignsto expand your reach, enter new markets and maximise your return on investment.

This strategy not only overcomes the current challenges, but also positions the Euroinnova as a leader in the education sectortransforming the future of learning.

What results have been obtained?

  • The strategy of the Euroinnova Ads team has achieved the following results:
  • - Presence in 14 new countries thanks to its expansion plan.
  • - Increase in 119% in leads.
  • - Increase in 15% of ROI.
  • - Increase in 65% on student subscriptions.

"Smart Bidding strategies, increased visibility and global expansion have led to improved brand awareness, conversions and profitability, allowing us to connect with new students in an effective way."says Ruben Darío Díaz.

A new perspective on technology-based education

Euroinnova's commitment to innovation is fundamental in order to stand out in a context as changing as that of education. In this sense, the institution has managed to improve the level of personalisation of learning significantly. This is an institution specialised in online education that reaches the almost 20 years of experience in the sector with a clear technological perspectivewhich achieves tailor-made online educational experiences for students.

The innovative LXP Methodology which conjugates the Artificial Intelligence and R&D&I has been key, not only for Euroinnova to achieve recognition as a Google success story, but also to continue to offer a unique learning experience.

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